With the Seasons

Notes: I’d like to dedicate this blog article to my Eastern European grandparents Mary and Andrew, and their four children: Nellie, Mike (my dad), Tony, and Vee. It was surely through my father’s family that we came to love strawberries. … Continue reading
My dad was born 100 years ago, today, on September 29, 1920. My grandparents thought it fortuitous—their first son born on the feast day of St. Michael the Archangel, for whom my dad was named. Michal grew up in a turbulent … Continue reading

Today is Father’s Day. In my creative writing (and publishing) efforts to preserve the essence of family who came before me, I thought I might post this piece, first published in the September/October 2012 issue of GOOD OLD DAYS magazine. … Continue reading
Why do some memories, in their crystal clarity, stay with us as we age—while others fade, or disappear entirely? For this country girl from Norwichtown, Connecticut, the most enduring ones seem to be seasonal in personality, often associated with food, … Continue reading
INTRODUCTION Fifteen years ago I started to write stories about my family. It was a desperate move, really, an emotional reaction triggered by the slow goodbye with my parents. I hated the thought that who they were as people would … Continue reading

Today my uncle Tony has reached his 95th birthday — an achievement for anyone, but especially for him. Those of you who have read UNTIL the ROBIN WALKS on SNOW know the significance of this day. Uncle Tony served as … Continue reading

Can you recall reading a book recently that transported you, as if into a sensory painting — a place where you could taste the food, hear the sounds, smell the aromas (or stenches!), feel the textures, and perceive the deep … Continue reading

Introduction Are you a writer seeking better organization of your writing project(s) — but not if it feels like a straitjacket stifling your creativity? If you nodded, this article may help you. This blog piece is the first in a … Continue reading
By way of introduction to “Beating the Odds” …my brief reflections ahead of the links – BLR I think we do not fully recognize how often serendipity presents opportunities in our lives. With each decision we make, large or small, … Continue reading

Today is an amazing day in our extended family. My Uncle Tony celebrates his 93rd birthday. I would wager that he has spent most of this clear, crisp November day on the phone — with all his well wishers. Of … Continue reading
Happy New Year Everyone, Last year at this time I became aware of a wonderful celebration of children’s books. As a YA Librarian of another lifetime, a debut author, and newish Twitter user — I judged the flurry of activity to … Continue reading
Author’s Note: 12-1-17 For those of you who love this piece, I just released a book which expands (by 4 times the narrative and photos) the subject matter of this article. THE PONEMAH YEARS: Walking in the Footsteps of My … Continue reading
A few days ago, I received an unexpected honor. Genealogist and Author Valerie Hughes nominated my blog here at 3Houses for the One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you so much, Valerie! I am honored that you included me on your … Continue reading

The steep incline of the Deer Isle Bridge imparts the same sensation each time we cross the reach to the island. Will we fly right off into the dusk? The illusion is powerful. In some ways, our crossing delivers us … Continue reading
Triskele Books invited me to write a guest blog about my reflections on a decade of writing stories based on family history. Special thanks to author Liza Perrat! Here is the link: http://triskelebooks.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/gifts-of-journey-writing-about-family … Continue reading

Snow and ice, begone! Today, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I’d like to share a memory of love from a sparkling autumn day. The day was to hold a special gift. On October 21, 2012, my husband and I walked … Continue reading

The traditional Lithuanian food we ate during our 2013 trip was SO delicious. The Lithuanian breakfast crepes served at the Rivastar guest house in Palanga near the coast and by the Shakespeare Boutique Hotel in the Old Town section of … Continue reading
Here’s more from the field of Epigenetics. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/12/anxiety-about-certain-things-can-be-hereditary/282383/

Once upon a time I rode to my job in a vanpool. During the longish ride, those of us who didn’t nap often exchanged ideas, opinions, solutions, and sometimes how-to do this or that information. In one such conversation, I … Continue reading